Welcome to CAYA Clinic!

Dane County's first non-profit harm reduction psychotherapy practice. 

A place for People Who Use Drugs and People with Mental Health Concerns to access counseling, moderation management, harm reduction supplies, mental health and trauma therapy. CAYA promises to never judge or shame you, and to always respect your autonomy. CAYA welcomes all who wish to take a harm reduction approach to substance use, mental health concerns, disordered eating, self-harming behaviors, family therapy and couples therapy

We encourage you to Come As You Are

Mission & Vision

Mission: To meet people who use drugs in Wisconsin where they are and utilize evidence-based harm reduction therapy techniques to reduce drug-related harms, prevent overdose, and promote the empowerment of people who use drugs. CAYA provides services to all regardless of health insurance status. All participants will have access to harm reduction supplies in addition to therapy and peer services. CAYA has a special emphasis on serving historically marginalized communities through programs created by and staffed by people from their own communities.

Vision: To end overdose and drug-related harms in Wisconsin by creating a community of people who use drugs that are committed to caring for themselves and each other. 
